*** Free Delivery for order over HK$350 to HK and Macau regions ***

Return & Exchange Policy

Return & Exchange Policy
We checked every item carefully before order dispatching to ensure product quality. However, in some cases, the product(s) might be damaged or deteriorated due to uncontrollable factors during the delivery process. No worries, we provide 7-day product quality return guarantee. If the product is damaged when you receive it, please contact us via email info@chamaise.com for the return and exchange arrangement. Once we received your return notice with confirmation, you may arrange the product returns. Slight collision or scratches on the outer packaging box and tea tin, customized products and free gifts are non-exchangeable nor returnable.
For exchange to an item at higher value, customer is required to pay for the difference in value; For exchange to an item at lower value, the difference in value will not be refunded to customer.
We will send the product replacement as soon as we received the returned product. Return requests that do not meet our policy will not be accepted and will be sent back to the customer at customer’s own cost.
All products sold are non-refundable. CHAMAISE ASIA LIMITED reserves the final right to interpret the terms and conditions herein and the right of final decision.